Our Services

Advice When Ordering

What is the text going to be used for?
Internal/external consumption, sales brochures, agreements for information purposes, etc?

Who is your target group?
Engineers, consumers, specialists…

Professional partnership:
By developing a professional relationship with Stratcore, we will get to know what you want, your style and your terminology. A win/win situation for everyone.

Subject area and number of words:
Information about the subject area and degree of technical difficulty enables us to determine the right person for the job. If possible, forward a few typical pages for assessment.

Is the translation to be delivered as a text file only, or does the commission include layout and typesetting too? Is the text to be prepared for subsequent printing?

A clear script:
Please provide us with an approved and clear script, preferably in electronic format.

Delivery deadlines:
How long can you give us? Where and how is the text to be delivered and in which format? As a Word file or in other format?

Reference material:
Providing the translator with as much reference material as possible makes their job much easier, e.g. descriptions of similar products, internal glossaries and general information about your organisation (website, annual report, brochures, etc). Good reference material ensures the translator and proofreader will use the most appropriate terminology as used by your company or industry.

Contact person:
A contact person with specialist knowledge in the area in question can be of great help to our team.

Local adaptation:
Explain to us about local conditions and whether the text should be adapted accordingly.

Allow us enough time:
Please give us as much time as possible for the job. Expressions and formulations benefit from the “overnight test”. Very urgent deadlines can impair quality.

By all means ask your office or representative on the local market in question for their opinion on the final draft. Any changes can then be made in consultation with us and our translators.

A great deal of time, effort and discussion has gone into the texts you submit for translation. The translator will have been totally outside this loop. Why not give the translator the time and opportunity to get to know you and your company.

Long-term partnerships:
Stratcore looks at translating as a partnership between us and the client. Even people who are expert in a certain language and a certain field cannot know everything. Our linguists have certain specialist areas, but they cannot be expected to know which terms and expressions a particular company prefers to use. The translator and client can sometimes need a “running-in period” to understand each other completely. Please therefore view a couple of initial jobs as an investment in an excellent future partnership.

Thank you for the times you have helped up with translations into English. As you are aware we have been very pleased with our collaboration. I will gladly act as a reference for your potential clients.

Translations of annual and sustainability reports

One Of Swedens Largest Family Owned Holding Companies

I hope you are well and thank you again for the excellent work you have done with the translations so far!

Would you be able to help us with another translation?

April 2023

Legal Translations

Major Swedish Energy Company

Just thought you would like to hear the feedback from my Finnish and German colleagues… They are all very happy with the translations Stratcore has done, very correct and well translated 😊.

March 2023

Marketing and technical translations and creating journalistic-style web content

Swedish Food Tech Company

Just wanted to thank you for a remarkable interpreter you organised for us. She impressed us with her professionalism, being so calm in front of totally new audience and business area. Everything went well and we are looking forward to use Stratcore and Tuija's services again in the near future.

Communication Manager

Leading Global Brand Consumer Products

We often need texts translated quickly. This is when we simply could not do without Stratcore – they are always so reliable. They return our translations with total professionalism and always with the same happy smile. We really appreciate Stratcore and would like to thank them for a wonderful partnership.

Major global airline

Head Of Internal Online Communications

Stratcore adheres to the european standard for translation service requirements SS-EN15038