In Swedish
Instead of English

Literally, that is. At Stratcore we aim to make a text read well and without that translated feel. As though it were original copy. Or even take your draft as a platform to rework into original copy in your target language. The choice is yours.

However, that’s not why I’m sending you this email today…. I want to tell you about some of our “other” language services – we offer quite a few spanning  a pretty wide area, some of which I’m sure can be of interest to you. And don’t forget, these services are available in a whole host of languages…

Our “Complementary language services” for when you need:

Plus our standard language services, for when you need:

Not forgetting our client specific language services, for when you need:

For further information, please contact:
UK Office
Alexandra Bailey
UK Office Manager
Stratcore UK ltd
Tel. 020 814 44799

Swedish Office
Peter Bailey
Co–founder and Sales and Marketing Director Stratcore AB
Tel. +46 (0)8 540 85851 I Cell. + 46 (0)708 539 155

About Stratcore
Stratcore delivers high quality, fast and effective language services in all subject and language areas. Our worldwide network of specialised and professional translators, copywriters, journalists and linguists can provide you with every language service from translation, localisation, proofreading and copywriting to intercultural advice. Our client base includes industrial companies, advertising agents and many public and private sector organisations.

Make Stratcore the language services partner
at the core of your multilingual communications strategy
Find out more about us at: